Sunday, February 24, 2008


Today I have had deep thoughts about how important that my husband and daughter are to me . I think that spending time with your family; sitting down at the dinner table iqrh conversations flowing and tv off are so vital to a well established family. How changed our 21st century family has become? So many children have cell phones, mp3s, play stations, computers. The list of technological advances go on and on. Not that I am saying these things are bad persay, considering I am sitting using one at the moment. However, where are our boundaries and limits?
I just hope that I always do a good job of spending quality family time with all of my children (the one I have and those to come). Playing games, cooking together, doing crafts, reading stories. These memories are so priceless. Children today seem to be replacing personal relationships with technological devices. What does this have to say about devoting time to our heavenly Father when our own Father does not turn off the tv to come and sit down to dinner with us; eating supper from his lazy boy.
So this week I would inspire us all to turn down on technology and turn up on personal relationships with those we love!
End of the preaching, I feel better now.

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