Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Across the Wide River by Stephanie Reed

I just finished a great historical fiction book. Across the Wide River. This story began in the 1820's. It tells the story of Lowry Rankin, son of an abolitionist minister.
It was interesting to read about pre Civil War and the Underground Railroad. I had never sat down and thought how long slavery issues were struggled with. It was interesting to see the tension of slavery in Ohio because of Kentucky (a slave state) being on the other side of the river. The book was filled with numerous historical facts. A lot of research obviously went into this book..

The story was based upon a real person and real events, but some of the names were changed.

Lowry was born in Tennessee but his family moved because his father wanted to live in an anti slave state however felt called to minister in Kentucky. After witnessing the beating of Lowry's best friend; (a slave) who was beaten by a bystander for learning to read and write with Lowry, Lowry's family uproots and move across the river to Ohio. His family then begins to help fugitive slaves get to Canada. Their home is a stop along the way of the Undergroud Railroad.

It was amazing to see the amount of time that it truly does take to be a part of such a noble cause. I have even more respect for those who serve on the Railroad. This was a lifestyle and way of living that they took on. SO many sacrifices and dangerous that could have and did befall many who helped slaves escape at this time.

This was a wonderfully written historical fiction book. I would definitely recommmend it. It was catergorized as teen fiction on the back, however, I definitely think that an adult could find interest in the story. It was short however, but I am definitely looking forward to reading the sequel, due out sometime this month. I cannot wait to hear the rest of Lowry's life!

Check out this book!

1 comment:

Stephanie Reed said...

Michelle, i'm so glad you enjoyed Across the Wide River! Thanks for blogging about it.

Guess what I got on March 20? My author copies of the sequel, The Light Across the River! Lowry's back, along with his little brother Johnny and Eliza, a slave that the Rankin family helped--twice. This is the rest of the story of Eliza, made famous by Uncle Tom's Cabin. You can watch a book trailer preview here:

Want to know something really cool that God did? I got my author copies of Light on March 20, 2008. I found out later that night that Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in book form on March 20, 1852! My publisher said there was no way they could have narrowed down the pub date like that. Thanks, God! :-)

Stephanie Reed